Monday, June 13, 2011

Tree of Life

 Tree of Life

Eesh.  I just watched the trailer again to make sure my expectations were set correctly for a movie and not an IMax, Discovery channel film.....and yes, expectation falsely set.

Malick attempts to show us in a "new way" his art on the ebb and flow of the universe, with special emphasis alongside a very traditional Texas family in the 1950's. Questions surround life and death, beginnings and endings, spirituality and evolution. Texas never comes up in the movie, I just recognized many of the scenes from being filmed here in Austin.

There are loooonnng segments of nature; from the cosmos to dinosaurs to cellular mitosis.   While this is all very beautiful and fascinating, we have seen it all before.  Another nod to the wonderful Discovery Channel; especially Planet Earth and Blue Planet, oh and don't forget the screen savers that come loaded on every computer.

Sean Penn may be super famous, but not sure if 5 total minutes of screen time is worth a top name billing.   The acting parts that there are, are great even with them pieced together for you decide the emotion versus dialogue leading you through a plot.  And did I mention the creepy whispering narration..?

I wish I could find more positive things to say, but honestly I just couldn't wait for it to end so that I could stop wasting my Sunday Funday....

Again, abstract does NOT equal complicated and artistic does NOT equal brilliant.

Go see it, but watch this trailer again first and see if the film even tippy toe touches your expectation.

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